Web Scraping

Web Scraping

Take data formatted for display in a web browser and reformat for analysis.

It helps to know…

  • a little about HTML and XML
  • how to manipulate strings in R
  • a little something about regular expressions
  • how to write a function and do some basic conditional looping

Web scraping is mostly cleaning data.


Every web page is different, but a basic procedure in R (for a single web page) is as follows:

  1. View the source code; get familiar with the tags surrounding the data you want
  2. Read web page source code into R using readLines or functions from the XML package (or something else?)
  3. clean the data in R

Steps 1 and 2 are usually easy. Step 3 takes time.

What about multiple web pages? Loop through steps 2 and 3.

Isn’t there a package for this sort of thing?

It looks like there will be.

rvest will help you scrape information from web pages. It is designed to work with magrittr to make it easy to express common web scraping tasks.

Not yet on CRAN. But available on GitHub:

Example #1: IMDB Top 250

# URL: http://www.imdb.com/chart/top?ref_=nv_ch_250_4


# read the web page source code
movies <- readLines("http://www.imdb.com/chart/top?ref_=nv_ch_250_4", warn=FALSE)

# web scraping complete!
# let the clean up begin...

# find the index numbers that mark the begin and end of table
start <- grep("table class=\"chart\"", movies)
end <- grep("The formula for calculating the", movies)
movies250 <- movies[start:(end-3)]

# starts and ends with table tags
head(movies250, n=1)
tail(movies250, n=1)

# use readHTMLTable() from XML package to convert HTML table to data frame
imdb250 <- readHTMLTable(movies250)

# extract the data frame from the first list element
imdb250 <- imdb250[[1]]

# keep columns 2 and 3
imdb250 <- imdb250[,c(2,3)]

# fix the column names so they don't have spaces
names(imdb250) <- c("Title", "Rating")

# make rating numeric
imdb250$Rating <- as.numeric(as.character(imdb250$Rating))

# add a column for rank
imdb250$Rank <- as.numeric(row.names(imdb250))

# Title column needs work

# extract title using str_extract() from stringr
title <- str_extract(imdb250$Title, pattern = "\n.*\n")
title <- gsub("\n","",title) # find and replace
title <- str_trim(title) # remove leading and trailing spaces

# extract year
year <- str_extract(imdb250$Title, pattern = "\\([0-9]{4}\\)")
year <- gsub("\\(|\\)","",year)
imdb250$Year <- as.numeric(year)

imdb250$Title <- title
# Done!

# see which years have the most movies on the list
imdb250 %>% 
  group_by(Year) %>%
  summarise(Total=n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(Total)) %>%

# see the 1995 movies
imdb250 %>% 
rm(movies, movies250, end, start, title, year)

Example #2: Craigslist

# WARNING: Results you'll get from scraping craigslist will differ every 
# day, and can potentially return unsavory content.

# https://charlottesville.craigslist.org/search/cba

dat <- readLines("https://charlottesville.craigslist.org/search/cba?s=0&", warn=FALSE)

# function to prep craigslist data
# dat is data vector obtained from readLines()
CLPrep <- function(dat){
  # generate an R structure representing the HTML structure
  # htmlTreeParse() is in XML package;
  # useInternalNodes = TRUE so I can use XPath expressions
  raw2 <- htmlTreeParse(dat, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
  # raw2 is an XML-like structure with nodes
  # to see all the nodes: unlist(xpathApply(raw2, "//*", xmlName))
  # XPath uses path expressions to select nodes or node-sets in an XML document
  # the items are in nodes called "a" with a class attribute equal to "hdrlnk"
  item <- xpathApply(raw2,"//a[@class='hdrlnk']", xmlValue)
  item <- unlist(item)
  # date listed in nodes called "time" with a class attribute equal to "date"
  date.posted <- xpathApply(raw2,"//time", xmlGetAttr, "datetime")
  date.posted <- unlist(date.posted)
  # ymd_hm() is from the lubridate package
  # use Sys.timezone() to get time zone
  date.posted <- ymd_hm(date.posted, tz="America/New_York") 
  # item has the price listed twice or not all
  # first need to get element from dat that contains prices
  i <- grep("class=\"price\"", dat)
  tmp <- dat[i]
  # Split text at "</p>" since every item ends with that tag
  items <- strsplit(tmp, split = "</p>")
  items <- unlist(items)
  # get index number of items that have prices
  ind <- grep("class=\"price\"", items)
  # price listed in nodes called "span" with a class attribute equal to "price"
  prices <- xpathApply(raw2,"//span[@class='price']", xmlValue)
  prices <- unlist(prices)
  # keep every other price (remove dupes)
  prices <- prices[seq_along(prices) %% 2 == 1] 
  prices <- as.numeric(gsub("\\$","",prices))
  # fill in prices per ind (ie, row numbers which had prices)
  price <- rep(NA,length(item))
  price[ind] <- prices
  # create data frame
  data.frame(item, date.posted, price, stringsAsFactors = F)


# Note URL increments by 100:
# https://charlottesville.craigslist.org/search/cba?s=0&
# https://charlottesville.craigslist.org/search/cba?s=100&
# https://charlottesville.craigslist.org/search/cba?s=200&
# increment URLs by 100; stop if code contains "no results"

# Use the CLPrep function in a repeating loop to scrape successive pages of 
# listsings. The loop breaks when it hits a page that contains the phrase "no
# results".

cl.out <- c() # create an empty object to store results
j <- 0 # for URL
  raw <- readLines(paste0("https://charlottesville.craigslist.org/search/cba?s=",j,"&"), warn=F)
  if (any(grepl(pattern = "no results", x = raw))) break else {
    cl.out <- rbind(cl.out,CLPrep(dat=raw))
    j <- j + 100

# the result of the above loop is a data.frame called "cl.out" that
# contains all craigslist collectibles spanning multiple pages.
