texreg: converting model output to Latex or HTML

In the first example we use college admissions data to model gpa as a function of class rank, act score and year of admission. Three linear models are fit and summarized in a single table using the texreg functions screenreg, texreg and htmlreg. These functions create nicely formatted tables for the R console, LaTeX, and HTML, respectively. The second example uses NRC Data on research-doctorate programs to do beta regressions of PhD completion rates on Faculty Publications, Citation Rate, Faculty Grants and Institution type. This example serves to show how texreg works for other modelling functions in addition to lm.

After this demonstration, hopefully Meetup participants will know more about using the texreg package to assist in preparing modelling output for publication or presentation.

## Publication-quality tables of model output from R
## texreg: Conversion of R regression output to LaTeX or HTML tables

# install.packages("texreg")

# Load some data
admissions <- read.csv("http://people.virginia.edu/~mpc8t/admissions.csv", header=T)

admissions$year <- as.factor(admissions$year)

# Generate some models
gpa_all <- lm(gpa ~ rank + act + year, data=admissions)
gpa_red <- lm(gpa ~ rank + act, data=admissions)
gpa_int <- lm(gpa ~ rank*act, data=admissions)

# Make a table
screenreg(list(gpa_all, gpa_red, gpa_int))

# Make it nicer
screenreg(list(gpa_all, gpa_red, gpa_int), 
          custom.model.names=c("With Year Effects", "No Year Effects", "Interaction"),
          custom.coef.names=c("Intercept", "HS Rank", "ACT Score", NA, NA, NA, NA, "Rank * ACT"),
          include.rsquared=FALSE, custom.gof.names=c("adjR^2", "N"),
          stars=c(0.01, 0.05), custom.note="%stars. Year effects not significant.")

# Output it as LaTeX table
texreg(list(gpa_all, gpa_red, gpa_int))

texreg(list(gpa_all, gpa_red, gpa_int), 
          custom.model.names=c("With Year Effects", "No Year Effects", "Interaction"),
          custom.coef.names=c("Intercept", "HS Rank", "ACT Score", NA, NA, NA, NA, "Rank * ACT"),
          include.rsquared=FALSE, custom.gof.names=c("adj$R^2$", "N"),
          stars=c(0.01, 0.05), custom.note="%stars. Year effects not significant.",
          caption="First-Year GPA by HS Rank and ACT Score")

# Output as html file (can be read into Word, or used in markdown)
htmlreg(list(gpa_all, gpa_red, gpa_int))

htmlreg(list(gpa_all, gpa_red, gpa_int), 
       file="gpaTable.doc", omit.coef="year",
       custom.model.names=c("With Year Effects", "No Year Effects", "Interaction"),
       custom.coef.names=c("Intercept", "HS Rank", "ACT Score", NA, NA, NA, NA, "Rank * ACT"),
       include.rsquared=FALSE, custom.gof.names=c("adjR^2", "N"),      
       stars=c(0.01, 0.05), custom.note="%stars. Year effects not significant.", 
       caption="First-Year GPA by HS Rank and ACT Score", caption.above=TRUE)

# Coefficient plot
plotreg(list(gpa_all, gpa_red, gpa_int))
plotreg(list(gpa_red, gpa_int), omit.coef="Inter")
plotreg(gpa_int, omit.coef="Inter",,
        custom.coef.names=c("Intercept", "HS Rank", "ACT Score", "Rank * ACT"),
        main="Coefficient Plot: First-Year GPA")

# coefplot in package arm is better
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
coefplot(gpa_int,xlim=c(-.1,.05), frame.plot=T) # make axis cross zero/null
coefplot(gpa_red, add=T, col="gray")
# A new package, "coefplot" builds on ggplot2

# Highly customizable and supports wide set of models

# Other useful packages include:
#   xtable: particularly good for tables of summary statistics
#   stargazer: summary tables and model output, may be catching up


## One more example: Ph.D. completion rates
# Load the data: NRC Data on Research-Doctorate Programs
# http://www.nap.edu/rdp/index.html??record_id=12850
nrc <- read.csv("http://people.virginia.edu/~mpc8t/nrcGradAssess2010.csv", header=T, 
                na.strings=c("", "N/D", "NA", "*", "N/R"),


# Model completion rate for each field
model.sbe <- lm(compRate ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Social and Behavioral Sciences"))
model.pms <- lm(compRate ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Physical and Mathematical Sciences"))
# citePub is entirely missing for humanities
model.hum <- lm(compRate ~ pubFac + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Humanities"))
model.engr <- lm(compRate ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                 data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Engineering"))
model.bhs <- lm(compRate ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Biological and Health Sciences"))
model.ags <- lm(compRate ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Agricultural Sciences"))

# Make a table
screenreg(list(model.sbe, model.pms, model.hum, model.engr, model.bhs, model.ags), 
          custom.model.names=c("Social", "Physical", "Humanities", "Engineering", 
                               "Bio/Health", "Agricultural"),               
          custom.coef.names=c("Intercept", "Faculty Publications", "Citation Rate", 
                              "Faculty Grants", "First Year Support", "Public University"),                               

# Beta regression (for proportions data, if you prefer)
nrc$compRate2 <- ifelse(nrc$compRate==0,0.01,nrc$compRate)
nrc$compRate2 <- ifelse(nrc$compRate==1,0.99,nrc$compRate2)
beta.sbe <- betareg(compRate2 ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                    data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Social and Behavioral Sciences"))
beta.pms <- betareg(compRate2 ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                    data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Physical and Mathematical Sciences"))
# citePub is entirely missing for humanities
beta.hum <- betareg(compRate2 ~ pubFac + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                    data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Humanities"))
beta.engr <- betareg(compRate2 ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                     data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Engineering"))
beta.bhs <- betareg(compRate2 ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                    data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Biological and Health Sciences"))
beta.ags <- betareg(compRate2 ~ pubFac + citePub + facGrant + fySupport + instType, 
                    data=subset(nrc, subset= fieldBroad=="Agricultural Sciences"))

screenreg(list(beta.sbe, beta.pms, beta.hum, beta.engr, beta.bhs, beta.ags), 
          custom.model.names=c("Social", "Physical", "Humanities", "Engineering", "Bio/Health", "Agricultural"),               
          custom.coef.names=c("Intercept", "Faculty Publications", 
                              "Citation Rate", "Faculty Grants", 
                              "First Year Support", "Public University", "Precision"))